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Rachmaninoff Masterpieces for Solo Piano: 16 Works

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Rachmaninoff Masterpieces for Solo Piano: 16 Works
By Sergei Rachmaninoff
Item: 06-431223
UPC: 9780486431222
ISBN 10: 0486431223
ISBN 13: 9780486431222
Series: Dover Edition
Category: Piano Collection
Format: Book
Instrument: Piano
This generous compilation of Rachmaninoff's piano music reflects the "best of the best"-selected shorter works that have been most often performed and most frequently recorded by such great keyboard artists as Horowitz, Richter, Gilels, Cliburn, and Rachmaninoff himself. Offered here for the first time in a single collection are the Prelude in C-sharp Minor; three exquisite Etudes-Tableaux from Op. 33 and 39; seven best-loved Preludes from Opp. 23 and 32; three Moments Musicaux from Op. 16; the "Barcarolle" and "Humoresque" from Morceaux de salon, Op. 9, and the charming "Polichinelle" from Op. 3.

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