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Piano Literature of the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries, Book 6

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Piano Literature of the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries, Book 6
Item: 00-0130S
UPC: 654979071518
Series: Frances Clark Library for Piano Students
Category: Piano - Frances Clark Library
Format: Book
Instrument: Piano
This series surveys three centuries of keyboard music, including representative shorter works by: Bach * Handel * Scarlatti * C.P.E. Bach * Haydn * Clementi * Mozart * Beethoven * Schubert * Mendelssohn * Chopin * Schumann * Tchaikovsky * Grieg * MacDowell. The student is helped to achieve stylistically correct performance through editing based on original sources, clear interpretation of ornaments, a glossary of musical terms and symbols for each book, and biographical material on composers, relating them to their period in music history.

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