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The V7 (Five-Seven) Chord

Source: Singapore Piano Shop sell YAMAHA KAWAI piano   Published: 5/28/2010 9:22:25 PM   Clicked: 4050

When you build a V (Five) chord in C Major, the bottom note is G because G is the 5th note of the C Major scale. We know that the G chord is made up of the notes G,B, and D. Now if you add the 7th tone of the scale, F, you have a nice sound for harmony. We can invert the chord and sometimes we leave out one of the tones.

To move from the I (One) chord to the V7 (Five-seven) chord:

keep the top note the same

move the middle note up one-half step

move the bottom note down one-half step.

 The V7 Chord

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