Source: Singapore Piano Shop sell YAMAHA KAWAI piano Published: 5/28/2010 8:29:57 PM Clicked: 6279
The keyboard is made up of white keys with repeating patterns of black keys in groups of two and three.
We use seven letters of the alphabet to make music; A,B,C,D,E,F, and G. After G, we start over again with A.
Look at the group of two black keys. C will always be to the left of the two black keys. E will always be to the right of the two black keys. And D is right in the middle of the two black keys.
Now look at the group of three black keys. F will always be to the left of the three black keys. B will always be to the right of the three black keys.
Each key on the keyboard has a particular tone or pitch, and a certain place on the music staff. You will learn how each tone relates to a line or space, and you will be able to find it on the keyboard and combine the notes to make beautiful music.